Monday, September 16, 2024

Proposal Made To Transport Infrastructure Ireland To Improve Sightline At Barronstown Cross – Tipperary Mid West Radio

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Campaigners for road safety improvement at Barronstown Cross on the N 24 have been given a positive update by Tipperary County Council.  In correspondence dated April 19th the Senior roads engineer John Nolan informs campaigners that the Council has made a proposal to Transport Infrastructure Ireland(TII)  for measures to improve the sightlines at Barronstown cross. The council is now awaiting acceptance and an indication of a time frame for measures to be implemented.  Mr Nolan says the Council expects to be able to give stakeholders an update in 4 to 6 weeks’ time.

Barronstown Cross is on the N24 between Tipperary town and Limerick Junction  – it is part of a crossroads that includes a road to Goatinstown. Campaigners have suggested that the Council purchase a house at the junction to improve sightlines for traffic joining the  N24 from Goatinsown in addition to installing traffic calming measures. 

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